Wednesday, 15 March 2017


Yes you heard right........ I mean read right....
 I had the pleasure/ opportunity to work on Isaac Awuondo's house. Who is Isaac Awuondo you ask? well.......

  "He is the current Managing Director of the Commercial Bank of Africa. He (Mr Awuondo) sits on the Board of several public and private organizations, including ICDC Investment Ltd, Bata Shoes (K) Ltd, Deposit Protection Fund, and the University of Nairobi Council. Through his involvement in charitable and philanthropic activities, he is the Chairman of the Kenya Conservatoire of Music, Director of the Gatsby Kenya Charitable Trust, Trustee of the Rhino Trust and Kuona Trust (supporting local artists). He plays golf and he likes reading." (ref: 

Mr. Awuondo!!!!!  Well Daaaayyyyymmmm... I think all that's left is a Nobel Prize.. lol

So Not only did I work on his house, I had the opportunity to meet him.... For a really brief moment as he walked around looking at the progress of what was going on around the house... Might I add his bark is as mean as his bite.. He had expectations and wasn't having it if each of them were not met to the letter.. Which is expected!!! value for your money, am i right????

Side BAR.. I bet you are asking what was I really doing there... Well..

hahahaha I had to... (the gif) I just had to.. So.. For those that dont know, Am an interior designer and a Painting Contractor... well upcoming..Clean Earning in Kenya for a young lady is.... H. A. R. D. buuuut... Am not giving up.. Not yet..
So what was I saying??? Oh right.. I was painting his house inside and out.. yep!
Well my painters and I were lol
But he was having a bunch of stuff being done to it like Plumbing, Electricity stuff, pool.. etc It was basically Renovations of the entire house...

A little history on the house(Which I'll show some images of it in a min... so relaaaaxxx)
It is one of MANY houses that Mr. Awuondo owns. I dint count, so its easier for me to just write many. Which was rented by one of Uhuru Kenyatta's Relatives(YESSSSS) but they moved so now Mr. Awuondo has sold it to another lovely couple(I swear they were just heart warming)(They have kids and all, so not so young couple)

SO now that we are on the same page..

I found Mr. Awuondo very humble surprisingly.. YES I WAS SURPRISED.. you should have seen me trying to talk to him, clinging on to my water bottle and dear life while holding my breathe.. But him on the other hand was so chill.. and a very good listener.. I swear am still in shock.. He was awesome! I noticed he's not on any social media though.. so if you see him, Tell him Khadijah said Hi... and is looking for more contracts from him..

Side Bar!
I was working as a sub contractor not as a main contractor.. (For Those Who know what that means, Know mbona natuma salamu hahaha ) plus am a luhya.. Its in my blood to send shout outs lol

On to the house images!!!!! Yeiyyy!!! (because i dint want to write a really long article about it all for all my supporters who hate reading )

Yes that is some of my work!!! And am proud of it.. I hope you enjoyed reading this post as much as I enjoyed writing it.... Until next time xoxo

but Really.. Tell Mr. Awuondo I said Hi

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