Wednesday, 15 March 2017


Yes you heard right........ I mean read right....
 I had the pleasure/ opportunity to work on Isaac Awuondo's house. Who is Isaac Awuondo you ask? well.......

  "He is the current Managing Director of the Commercial Bank of Africa. He (Mr Awuondo) sits on the Board of several public and private organizations, including ICDC Investment Ltd, Bata Shoes (K) Ltd, Deposit Protection Fund, and the University of Nairobi Council. Through his involvement in charitable and philanthropic activities, he is the Chairman of the Kenya Conservatoire of Music, Director of the Gatsby Kenya Charitable Trust, Trustee of the Rhino Trust and Kuona Trust (supporting local artists). He plays golf and he likes reading." (ref: 

Mr. Awuondo!!!!!  Well Daaaayyyyymmmm... I think all that's left is a Nobel Prize.. lol

So Not only did I work on his house, I had the opportunity to meet him.... For a really brief moment as he walked around looking at the progress of what was going on around the house... Might I add his bark is as mean as his bite.. He had expectations and wasn't having it if each of them were not met to the letter.. Which is expected!!! value for your money, am i right????

Side BAR.. I bet you are asking what was I really doing there... Well..

hahahaha I had to... (the gif) I just had to.. So.. For those that dont know, Am an interior designer and a Painting Contractor... well upcoming..Clean Earning in Kenya for a young lady is.... H. A. R. D. buuuut... Am not giving up.. Not yet..
So what was I saying??? Oh right.. I was painting his house inside and out.. yep!
Well my painters and I were lol
But he was having a bunch of stuff being done to it like Plumbing, Electricity stuff, pool.. etc It was basically Renovations of the entire house...

A little history on the house(Which I'll show some images of it in a min... so relaaaaxxx)
It is one of MANY houses that Mr. Awuondo owns. I dint count, so its easier for me to just write many. Which was rented by one of Uhuru Kenyatta's Relatives(YESSSSS) but they moved so now Mr. Awuondo has sold it to another lovely couple(I swear they were just heart warming)(They have kids and all, so not so young couple)

SO now that we are on the same page..

I found Mr. Awuondo very humble surprisingly.. YES I WAS SURPRISED.. you should have seen me trying to talk to him, clinging on to my water bottle and dear life while holding my breathe.. But him on the other hand was so chill.. and a very good listener.. I swear am still in shock.. He was awesome! I noticed he's not on any social media though.. so if you see him, Tell him Khadijah said Hi... and is looking for more contracts from him..

Side Bar!
I was working as a sub contractor not as a main contractor.. (For Those Who know what that means, Know mbona natuma salamu hahaha ) plus am a luhya.. Its in my blood to send shout outs lol

On to the house images!!!!! Yeiyyy!!! (because i dint want to write a really long article about it all for all my supporters who hate reading )

Yes that is some of my work!!! And am proud of it.. I hope you enjoyed reading this post as much as I enjoyed writing it.... Until next time xoxo

but Really.. Tell Mr. Awuondo I said Hi

Sunday, 12 March 2017


Presenting... The royal Highness.... QUEEN.......!!!!!.....

...of cheap.. *cough* ME.. 

I think am the most petty when it comes to money... Especially when it comes to matters of the face.. And dont get me started with Kenyan Makeup Online stores...  And If you Live in Kenya you know the struggle... The price!!! How Genuine is your product??? yes.. How Genuine.. lol Especially from stores along the River road area.. There is I think Grade 1 to like 10.. yes.. 1 being the closest to the genuine product as possible and 10 (assuming the lowest number is 10 ) is where the product has been made in some hole from God knows which lab and they dint get anything right, from the ingredients, to the packaging, to the smell... Straight up its like a mixture of death in a bottle... The chemicals can destroy your face.. Like you can decide to use your grade 10 foundation to kill roaches in your house... Am sure in some cases it can even relax your hair.... jk... dont buy it! period!

We all want to look pretty but cant afford it... And the people from the U.S. shouldn't even complain on the price of make up there... Their drug store products are our high end products... And their high end products are our Sell-an-organ-to-buy products. 

I... I just...
 I cant. Kenya.. We cant live like this. 

So, know you might be wondering, How do I look like this 

When I have issues spending money.. Well not exactly spending money... more of being broke.. but who cares right...The end justify the means hehehe

So Tip No. 1
Take care of your skin.. The less damaged your skin is, the less you have to cover up... Meaning you will use less products.
( I'll write an article about my Acne Story) 

Tip No. 2
Invest on a good foundation... A good foundation can determine whether your finished look will look awesome or bad.. It will also  determine whether your look will survive the day. Plus get this, depending on how often you put on make up, foundation can last you up to a year.. Another thing is good /original foundation has less chance reacting with your skin or causing breakouts.. so think of how much you will actually save. You can find original black opal and Mary Kay Foundation at Beauty Options in Nairobi CBD. for a decent price compared to Lintons and other top beauty shops etc The black Opal stick goes for ksh 1600 while Mary Kay goes for ksh 1800 if am not wrong.. 

But all this is depending on your skin type too(oily, dry, combined?).. 

Tip no. 3. 
Sadly, will not be applicable to all but if it does to you , You are very lucky!!!! because that means that foundation is the ONLY expensive thing you will buy.. But also if you have a cheap compact powder that has been  working for you... awesome!!! I specifically like this one, not only for its finish, but also for the price.. I have been using it for like.. forever... It blends so well too.. The colors however are limited and scarce.. that's why I said, If it will be applicable to your skin tone then you will be lucky.. I buy mine at beauty options.. AND I know you are like "Say the name already!!!" Well.... Its... Palmer's Compact Powder.

In my defense I have no Idea if its really a Palmer's product..

Sooo.... Ummmm.....

but it's so good on my skin... and I have a really stubborn acne prone skin.. I hate its applicator though.. so you might have to buy a powder sponge... And it is a foundation powder so too much might end up looking cakey.. so be careful.. but that's pretty much it.. it costs like ksh 120 btw.. 

Tip No. 4
It is not compulsory to follow a trend lol I see people running to buy brow gels and brow powders and that plastic thingy used to shape brows and... I mean can you just CHIIIILLLL and take a second and breath... I do my brows with the davis eye pencil and it goes for ksh 30... 

Yes that was done by davis eye pencil... Not some fancy eye surgery contraption... hahaha

I will leave it here.. for now... coz now I have your face beat and brows on fleek... ON A BUDGET!!!!

you're welcome!

Because this post is long already.. Part 2 of "beauty on a budget" will be with you shortly wink wink.. (like after a day or 2... a week maybe lol.. but soon)
I really hope I helped... Even just A tiny bit... 

HAVE YOURSELF AN AWESOME DAY!!!!!!!! lots of love and thank you for reading..

Saturday, 11 March 2017


Whats good beautiful people!!!!
I really thought i had this blog thing down though....

Anyway.. make up and hijab... what if i told you, you can SLAY in hijab?
whaaaat? no? yes? ...... you probably looking at this like " This bitch crazy"
what if i show you?


How ever way you choose to see it, The veil, which is commonly known as The Hijab, Has been around from generation to generation.. Rocked by Muslim women All over the world.. In this century as much as many haters are not down with it, Alot of muslim women and bloggers have found a way to each personalize their own style on to the hijab.. AKA.. We are SLAYING the hijab!! Looking decent, classy, and beautiful all at the same time.. Oh btw "Hi, Am dijah, Am a Muslim Woman" i dont have to add this phrase but i will anyway "....And I Kick ASS!!!" 😎

So I am not going to sit here and act like it hasnt been done before... My muslim sisters have been slaying this veil like whuuuaaaaaatttttt!!!!

BUT... there is a trick to it.. 
okay at least this is what I  do..

Less is more.. keep it simple.. you can go heavy with your foundation and powder and all.. but try to be less colorful.. especially when dealing with a patterned fabric/veil.. just look at me.. I went HAM on those lashes though.. lol

Remember when i said less is more... forget all that gibberish...
Now what you want to do is go all BOLD!!!
Bold Fabric patterns!! Bold make up colours!!! Bold everything...well hold up.. we dont want you looking like a clown or Christmas tree,, So if you decide to go bold with your make up, keep your hijab as simple as possible.

If you decide to also have a colourful scarf or a scarf with bold patterns, try match the scarf to your make up or vise verse.. Then keep your dress or buibui or Abaya or your outfit, neutral or with one plain color but not bold.. we dont want people looking at you like a rainbow puked all over you... 
Here's an example.. of me.. Going BOLD!!!!! lol

Its make up!!! Its Hijab!!!! I might give you tips here and there but at the end of the day you wear it how ever you feel comfortable wearing it.. personalize it however you like.. Do you Boo!! 

That is all.. For now... I will try to post more.. No promises... but ill try keep a schedule.. like the next post will be up on thursday... In other news.. PRAY FOR ME ... life is biting chunks of  my beautiful ass.. hahaha.. but seriously..

UNTILL THURSDAY.... lots of love!!!